Orgasm without ejaculation
Our bodies are perfectly created to enjoy sex. We often make the mistake of thinking of sex as a "wham, bang, thank you ma'am" experience and so rob ourselves of incredible pleasure. The following is the story of someone who has found the way to the elusive orgasm without ejaculation. We are very open and frank here and say things as they are.
Firstly, normal masturbation ending in ejaculation has two disadvantages: it is relatively short and also a bit messy. You end up often wondering what all the fuss was about and then have to dash off to find something to remove the evidence and then have to remove the something before someone else finds it!
I had wondered about the concept of orgasm without ejaculation and also multiple orgasms and while the PC muscle exercises worked I also felt in a hurry to get to the point of no return. Then I discovered the oils used during a normal massage really helped tremendously. I figured that if I could not go for a massage, I could probably do a bit of it myself. Sure, you cannot massage your back and some other places, but you have access to most of your middle and lower body. Rubbing in massage oil over my abdomen, buttocks, upper and lower legs really made me relax, and this is the most important part - to relax.
With no immediate focus on an orgasm (and you will see in the list of areas mentioned in the previous paragraph I did not mention putting oil on the genitals) I experienced a great sensation of what would be the start of a mind blowing orgasm. When I finally did reach my dick, there was not an overriding sensation that I simply had to ejaculate. Concentrating on only the inside legs, the balls and the area towards the anus, it started feeling as waves of pleasure were starting from the abdominal area towards the body extremes - hands and feet. This was truly amazing. And I did not even have an erection!
After a break during which I simply concentrated on breathing, I started again. As if my body was now ready for what was to happen, I had a second, even more explosive, orgasm. It feels a lot different to a normal minor orgasm at the point of ejaculation. My orgasm included the whole body and not just the genital area.
The third orgasm was more concentrated as I had the desire to ejaculate. Yes, to have two non-ejaculatory orgasms and then have an orgasm with a powerful ejaculation was mind blowing. The difference was that while previously I would stroke to cum, I now stroked all over to enjoy the sensations and together with the overriding sense of relaxation, came the release that we all crave.
Is the secret the use of the oil as opposed to some lube? I believe the primary use of the oil is to massage the body, while the use of lube is normally purely intended to stimulate the penis. Therein lies the difference: with massage oil you focus on the body and then finally the penis. With lube you focus only on a very small part.
In concluding, yes, you can stroke like crazy, cum and lie awake wondering what the fuss is all about, or you can enjoy the ride until the last wave breaks on the beach and then fall asleep peacefully. The choice is yours.