Frequently asked questions
Are these services only for men and does this mean your clients are gay?
Our clients range in age from eighteen to their late seventies. Any man older than eighteen is welcome. The sexual orientation of a client is irrelevant - this means through sexual diversity we accept who we are and whatever we identify as. We have many clients who are not sexually attracted to other men but simply have a deep seated need to be accepted by another man. The intimate touch of a massage is not a sexual experience, although the feelings experienced my be sensual and accepting.
Why do you offer so many services?
We work with a wide variety of clients from a huge variety of backgrounds. We offer counseling, coaching and bodywork in order to best serve the needs of the individual client.
Do you do outcalls?
No. We work exclusively from our home studio based in Meyerspark, Pretoria.
Are you doctors or psychologists?
No. We are not doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers or psychotherapists. We are NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) Practitioners, workshop facilitators, life coaches and massage therapists. We provide services that cover areas of personal growth and bodywork.
How should I prepare for a massage?
The most important thing you can do is to consciously breathe. Most of us are not aware of our breath and do not take in enough air. Spend a few minutes before your massage relaxing and paying attention to your breathing. We have found the anal breath is very powerful and simple. When you inhale, count to four and consciously relax your anal sphincter as you inhale. The intent of this breath is to relax the pelvic floor. Take in as much air as you can, but do not strain yourself. Then exhale to a count of four. There should be no effort at all on the exhale - just let the air out. There is no need to push the air out. Repeat this breath for a few minutes and you will find yourself much more relaxed.
We also recommend a warm shower before your massage. Also, if you have any specific preferences, (for example you do not like your abdomen touched) or have any medical conditions or surgeries that could impact the massage, please let us know when you arrive. We ask that you do not consume alcohol or non prescription or recreational drugs before our session. Intoxicants will hinder our time together.
Prior to your session check in with your body. Ask yourself how are you are feeling. Try to avoid answering with the word "fine". Scan your body from head to toe and notice what you feel. Take a full minute to do nothing but breathe. Breathe from your belly and not your chest. Breathe slowly and with purpose. Try taking three seconds for each inhale then exhale for three seconds. Do not force your exhale – relax and let it go without any effort.
Please remove all jewelry that can be removed. If you have long hair, please pull it back with a clip.
What can I expect when I arrive at your studio?
Our massage studio is a separate room in our home. You are assured of complete privacy. Our studio is fully equipped for your comfort. You will notice relaxing music playing in the background. The room will be a comfortable temperature. The table will be ready with fresh linen. The room will also be heated if needed. A bathroom with shower facility is available for you.
If it is your first visit, we will ask you to complete a brief health conversation to check in with what's going on with your body that could impact the massage. For example, do you have any joint pain, sore muscles or recent surgeries? We also make notes about your specific likes and dislikes. For example, do you like extra attention to your shoulders because you work at a desk all day? All of this information is kept strictly confidential. We will then have a brief chat to see what types of massage you have enjoyed in the past and what type of work you are looking for today.
Please let us know if you would enjoy erotic touch. Your boundaries are important to us and we will not include erotic elements into a massage if you do not ask for it.
We then ask you to undress to your level of comfort and lay down on the massage table. Most clients prefer to receive their massage nude but nudity is never required. Modesty and comfort levels vary from person to person. The important thing is that you are comfortable.
What are your hours and how far ahead do I need to schedule?
We take in-person appointments Monday through Friday beginning at 07:00 and the last appointment finishes at 19:00. On Saturdays we take bookings from 07:00 and the last appointment finishes 17:00. We are closed on Sundays.
We are usually fully booked three to four days in advance, but that can vary. If you would like a same day appointment please call us to check availability. The more advance notice you can provide the better chance you will have of getting a time that suits you. We check incoming e-mail and voice mail frequently.
I am confused. You offer many services and I am not sure what to ask for?
Do not worry about the modality. Instead spend some time reflecting on what you would like to experience. Ask yourself what you want. Do not worry about how you are going to experience it. We take care of that. There is a lot of overlap between these modalities, so do not get hung up on definitions.
Do you offer gift certificates?
Yes! We have E-gift certificates (via e-mail) available as a wonderful way to give the gift of massage to your friends.