The basic ethics and guidelines
We appreciate the opportunity of working together towards your health, growth and education. Trust and mutual respect are essential parts of the work we do together, this work can make you feel quite vulnerable. We also recognize the potential of this work and so we believe it is important for you to know the ethical code (ethics) that guides us in the work.
Growth process
Any growth process is the result of the combined wisdom of your body and spirit, and ours. We invite you to openly discuss any issues, matters or concerns that may arise during our working together. If you have any questions regarding your session please let us know. We are happy to explain any aspect of your session.
We reserve the right of admission should you not comply by these guidelines.
What you can expect from us
Our Promise
Our promise to you is that we will be prepared and ready to give you our complete attention during our time together. Our session times are clearly defined and we work to ensure we are complete when our time is finished.
Confidentiality is always respected. We do not disclose our client information to anyone nor would we ever discuss what we did during our sessions without your written permission. We will not even disclose the fact that you are a client. Should we meet in the street and there is a chance that it may be embarrassing, we will most likely not strike up a conversation. Your privacy is that important to us. Please respect this confidentiality by not asking us about other clients.
We may discuss specific things that come up during our time together with others doing similar work (other sexological body workers, sacred intimates or coaches) if we require assistance from our peers. These discussions are always in general terms to not disclose any personal or other identifying information about the client.
We believe that you are creative, resourceful and whole. You do not need to be fixed. We do not diagnose any illnesses or conditions and we are not a psychotherapists. The focus of our work is to help you find what you want in your life. As trained life coaches, our commitment is to be your advocate and to support the services offered by other professionals. With your approval, we are available to work in close partnership with your psychotherapist.
We may make requests of you and you are always free accept, decline or make a counter offer to any of these requests. Any massage or bodywork that we do is with your express consent. You may ask for whatever you want. Be bold and courageous. We will not judge you or your request. We may accept, decline or make a counter offer on requests you make.
You may find that powerful emotions come up during our time together. This is a common response to massage, bodywork and coaching. We will honor your emotions and feelings by not interfering unless you ask us to. For example, if you need to cry we will give you the space to cry without interruptions. If you would like something from us, please ask for whatever you need.
We follow hygienic practices around all massage and bodywork. All linens are fresh, clean and disinfected.
The foundation of conscious erotic touch is to help you focus on your own eroticism during a session. We do not take your erotic energy. All sessions are focused on your experience. We are not an escort agency and to not become personally involved with clients.
What we expect from you
Be Authentic
The most important thing we need from you is to be authentic. Speak from your heart. Tell us what is on your mind. Tell us what is in your heart. Do not worry about planning beforehand what you are going to say.
To ensure that we can give all clients the same level of attention, please arrive no more than five minutes early as we cannot interrupt a session to answer the door. Please understand that our time together does have a defined end. If you are not able to arrive on time for the beginning of your session, we will need to respect the ending time because we need to be able to give all clients the same level of attention.
South Africa has a very hot and humid environment and therefore hygiene is of paramount importance. To spare you the embarrassment of a sweaty and smelly body, we advise you to use our shower facilities before our session starts. Alternatively, please have a shower before you arrive.

Your comfort is important to us
You may choose how much clothing you wish to remove, however, for the total benefit of the massage, we recommend you remove all clothing. If you are uncomfortable being completely nude on the massage table, we provide a towel to cover essential privates during the session.

Hygiene is important
Please ensure every crevice of your body is squeaky clean. Hygiene is of utmost importance, for your safety as well as ours. There's nothing worse than a smelly body part!